Mobility Aid

Equagel Cushion – Designed for Comfort and Postural Support

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Seat cushions are considered an essential healthcare utility, especially for people who spend long hours sitting in a wheelchair or in cars during long trips. 

These seat cushions are designed to provide comfort and postural support for people with medical conditions or mobility problems. 

Sitting for hours in chairs or in your car may cause pain or stiffness in every part of the body, from your back, butt, and lower legs. 

Using a comfortable and well-manufactured seat cushion like the Equagel cushion can help relieve unnecessary pain caused by sitting for a long time. 

This seat cushion is also beneficial for frequent travelers because they help make your traveling experience more pleasant. 

In this article, we will learn more about this gel cushion and their benefits to people with mobility issues. 

Equagel Cushion

What is an Equagel General Cushion?

Seat cushions today come in different designs and features. You can find seat cushions that provide self-cooling effects during summer days to cool your body. One of the popular seat cushions in the market today is the Equagel cushions commonly used in wheelchairs. 

The materials used in this cushion are unique, and there is nothing quite like it on the market. The column buckling technology of this gel cushion provides good pressure distribution and postural stability.

For the information of everyone, EquaGel is a dry-polymer gel, almost rubbery to the touch, and has unbelievable tensile and compression strength and incredible durability. What makes this gel cushion different from the rest is its column buckling, which refers to how EquaGel behaves underweight. 

Compared with other technologies, the buckling gel has been known for minimizing pressure better.

Functional Benefits of Equagel Cushion

Many healthcare facilities prefer this general cushion due to its several functional benefits. These gel seat cushions are also very well known for their amazing relaxing features, which are beneficial for people who spend large amounts of time sitting and need support to avoid experiencing pain or discomfort. 

Its functional benefits include:

  • Temperature-neutral properties with open-cell design
  • Comes with Fluid resistant, Vapour permeable, flame-resistant cover
  • 100% EquaGel for pressure prevention
  • 2 1/2″ tall EquaGel in the two-stage gel configuration


 Apart from being extremely comfortable, this gel seat cushion is also equipped with new cushioning technology to provide extra pressure relief while still providing support. 

There might be several types of gel cushions available in the market that offer different features, but remember that they are not all the same.

It is recommended to choose a gel seat cushion technology that has been proven in various clinical applications for people who need serious pressure and pain relief.

These general seat cushions are made of highly advanced technology using ultra-modern polymers that help in providing great comfort, pressure relief, and high durability. 

Lastly, these new and modern gel cushions can be used on car seats which help people who drive for long hours avoid tiredness, back strain, and pain by giving extra support and comfort. 

If you want to reduce the chance of developing health issues, choose the right cushion for your car, home, and office.

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Adjustable Bed – Promoting Personal Comfort at the Touch of a Button

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An adjustable bed is an example of a modified hospital bed that can be adjusted in any position to suit the requirements of the user. 

People with medical conditions requiring them to sleep in certain positions use adjustable beds, as recommended by their doctor or therapist. The best thing about this type of bed is its flexibility. It can also be used by those who are temporarily or permanently bedridden to make them sleep more comfortably.

Even those without medical needs can use this bed to get comfortable and restful sleep. One of the main features of this type of bed is that they can be altered into a comfortable position to cater to the needs of the user.

They are also suitable for reading or for watching TV in bed. Medical professionals recommend this bed to people with sleeping problems due to stress, body strain, or other discomforts. 

Since adjustable beds can be customized according to the person’s body structure, they provide ultimate comfort and relaxation. These beds are also built very strong and can support weights of more than 600 pounds.

Adjustable Bed

Types of Adjustable Beds

Adjustable beds can be classified into two types or styles, standard and heavy-duty. Standard types have basic functions and limited features. 

On the other hand, heavy-duty, like the iCare bed, have multiple functions and come with many features and accessories that the user can choose from. But generally, this type of bed has two main components: the base and the mattress. 

Features to Consider When Buying an Adjustable Bed

When looking for adjustable beds, there are several features that every user or buyer should consider. These features include the size of the mattress and the type of mattress (foam, latex, coil spring, or air). 

In most cases, ordinary mattresses are inappropriate to use on this type of bed. The mattress used for this bed is specially designed to suit the human body and alleviate strain on certain body parts. For safety purposes, this bed also comes with rails on both sides.

Another innovative feature of adjustable beds is their capability to be electronically controlled using a controller. In some models, the head, neck, shoulders, backs, hips, legs, and feet can be comfortably positioned on the bed by adjusting the different parts with the simple touch of a button.

Health Benefits

This bed offers several benefits, including easing swelling of the legs or edema and easing back pain. They also relieve soreness in the body, soothe neck and shoulder tension, and offset acid reflux and nighttime heartburn. 

They also provide some relief on particular body parts, such as the neck, the spine, and the knees. Adjustable beds are also beneficial for people with degenerative spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, asthma, back pain, or neck pain. 

For people who have recently undergone surgery, adjustable beds are also ideal because they allow them to sit or sleep in a comfortable position. 

This particular bed is also helpful for people with mobility issues, like the elderly, by making it easier for them to get in and out of bed. In some higher versions, they even have built-in massaging motors in the automatic as well as manual modes.


There is an abundant option of adjustable beds in the market today. Make sure first to talk with your doctor or therapist about which type of bed is suitable for your health condition and personal requirements. 

Take note that there is no single type of bed suitable for everyone. Lastly, it is highly recommended to seek professional medical advice before purchasing any mobility aids.

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Equagel Cushion – The Most Comfortable Cushion for Wheelchairs

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When looking for a cushion for your wheelchairs, cars, or even your chairs at home, comfort should be your top priority.

Today, several seat cushion manufacturers offer thousands of styles and sizes of cushions allowing the buyer unlimited options and flexibility in terms of pricing and fit.

In terms of comfort and durability, Equagel Cushion is considered one of the most popular types of seat cushions for wheelchairs and other purposes in the market today.

Equagel Cushion

What is Equagel?

Probably, some people are still unaware of the material called equagel. It is a type of dry polymer gel made from natural food-grade products that start out in a liquid form. To form an equagel material used in cushions, the liquid mixture is fed into an injection machine that solidifies the gel into a liquid form. 

Top Benefits of Equagel Cushion

Equagel seat cushions are made from a dry-polymer gel organized in a series of columns. When a user sits on it, the weight or the pressure is distributed on the cell walls, causing them to gently collapse, allowing the user’s body weight to be distributed across a greater surface. 

This type of cushion is ideal for users who need moderate to high postural support. The open structure of the EquaGel cushion allows better air circulation, making it cooler to sit on compared to other support cushions on the market.

The benefits of using this type of cushion for people who spend most of their time sitting include:

Provides Significant Relief from Discomfort

The level of comfort and relief that this cushion provides, especially to the elderly who are very uncomfortable in their wheelchairs, is highly incredible and unmatched. Compared with a general cushion model, equagel cushions offer significant relief from discomfort.

Helps Prevent Pressure Sores

Pressure ulcers, also known as pressure sores or bedsores, are an example of skin injuries mainly due to prolonged pressure on the skin. This condition can happen to anyone but usually affect people confined to bed or who sit in a chair or wheelchair for a long duration.

Sitting on a seat cushion with an equagel on it can help lower the risk of developing these pressure ulcers in the skin since the user will experience reduced pressure from sitting on equagel cushions.

The material and technology used in this cushion are unique, and there is nothing quite like it on the market. The potential of this cushion to provide good pressure distribution as well as postural stability, are two things that are hard to get together in one cushion.

Durable, Long-Lasting, and Comfortable

The outer layer or cover of this cushion is fluid-resistant, multi-stretch, and vapor permeable, making it durable and enduring. 

They are not only breathable and water-resistant but also low maintenance and easy to use with accompanying velcro straps for wheelchair attachment.


If you have loved ones with limited mobility and spend most of their time sitting in bed or wheelchairs, choosing the correct and comfortable seat cushion can make a lot of difference in increasing their quality of life. 

Always look for a reputable manufacturer that offers quality life-improving products for the home and health care facility.

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Adjustable Bed – A Personalized Sleep Solution at Home

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If you’ve experienced sleeping in an adjustable bed, you must probably know how amazing and comfortable they are!

A great bed is one of the best investments, especially for seniors and those with health problems who need enough rest and sleep. 

Adjustable beds are no longer exclusive for hospital use or healthcare settings as more people nowadays prefer home healthcare. The prices of this type of home mobility furniture had decreased with more selection and variety of features to choose from. 

adjustable bed

Why Buy an Adjustable Bed

Generally, this type of home mobility furniture provides lifestyle benefits and is beneficial for people with health issues such as back pain and snoring.

Compared to an ordinary hospital bed, these beds are way better since they offer more customization, allowing the user to find the most comfortable position when sleeping. 

Users can perform different tasks in adjustable beds comfortably, such as reading, watching TV, and many other tasks, by simply adjusting or positioning the bed at certain angles. 

Also, these beds allow users to operate the foot and head of the bed separately to suit users’ comfort preferences. 

For instance, if you have acid reflux, you can easily position the headboard in an incline position to avoid or prevent acid reflux symptoms. While those experiencing back pains can easily find the right sleeping position to relieve pressure and have a good night’s sleep.

How to Choose the Best Adjustable Beds

Personal Need

Finding the best medical bed for you or your loved ones should start with your specific needs recommended by a medical professional. Getting the wrong bed may worsen your condition instead of making you feel better.


The second important consideration is the amount you are willing to spend. The price of these types of home mobility beds varies depending on some factors. Some brands or models might be expensive. However, remember that investing in getting quality sleep is never a bad idea. 


It’s common among adjustable beds to have a button where you can adjust the position of your head or feet. But some beds offer more interesting features aside from their basic functionality. Other models have massage features, under-bed lights, USB ports, and more. 

Preferred Mattress Type

If you already have an existing mattress and don’t want to buy a new one, that would be fine as long as it is compatible with this type of bed. However, some healthcare equipment manufacturers and dealers usually encourage buyers to purchase a compatible mattress for optimal experience when using their bed. 

Ease of Use and Set-Up

Choose adjustable beds that are easy to use and control. Some models are now remotely controlled so that seniors and people with limited mobility can easily control the bed position and other features without exerting too much effort. Also, choose brands that offer free delivery and set-up so that you won’t have to assemble or lift the heavy base on your own. 


Adjustable beds can help, particularly seniors who begin to have mobility issues. These types of beds can also solve several problems, such as difficulty sleeping while lying flat, and bed sores and provide support in getting on and off the bed.

So, is an adjustable bed worth it? Well, it depends on the patient’s personal preference but generally, whichever bed allows you to have a comfortable sleep without feeling any pain or stiffness is always the best choice. 

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walker chair

Standard Walker vs. Walker Chair: Choosing the Right Walking Aid for You

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Standard Walker vs. Walker Chair: Choosing the Right Walking Aid for You

With the abundance of mobility products in the market today, choosing the right walking aid can be confusing.

Some factors must also be considered to determine which mobility device is the best for your condition.

If you fall somewhere in the middle between getting a standard walker, a walker chair with wheels, or other walking aids in this regard, then we are here to help.

But first, get yourself acquainted with the different types of mobility aid.

Here is an overview of commonly used mobility devices.

Example of Mobility Aids

• Cane – Probably the simplest type of walking aid that provides minimum support ideal for short distances and crowded places.

• Walker Chair or Rollator – Rollators are ideal if the patient needs maximum support and mobility when walking over longer distances. They have wheels at the bottom of each leg allowing the device to be moved along while the user is on their feet.

• Standard Walkers– Provides sturdy support and good balance for patients walking over longer distances.

• Wheelchair – Wheelchairs offer the most stability and allow patients to push themselves or with the help of an attendant (transport chair).

When Should You Use a Standard Walker?

Standard walkers are ideal for individuals who require more stability and like to stroll at a slower pace. If you are mobile enough to walk but have trouble getting from your bedroom to your bathroom, then a walker might be of help.

When Should You Use a Walker Chair or a Rollator?

Walker chairs or rollators are suitable for people with mobility issues who can still manage to walk but need a bit of assistance with balance and stability. This walking aid allows you to walk a bit faster and help with a normal gait.

The patient must be able to navigate the rollator and operate the hand brakes on his own when needed. These types of walkers usually have a seat, allowing you to take a rest as needed.

Different Types of Walkers Available

Standard Walker

It has four nonskid, rubber-tipped legs for balance and stability when walking. To move, you must pick up the device.

Two-Wheel Walker

This type of walker has wheels on both front legs and is very useful for patients who need some weight-bearing assistance but not continuously. Other models are smaller than the average walker, and they can fit through narrow doorways and tight spaces. Ideal for indoor use at home. It also folds for easy transport.

Four-Wheel Walker

This walker is perfect for persons who do not require a walker to lean on for balance. Best for outdoor use and available for children and adult’s version.

Bariatric Walker

This walker is constructed from heavy-duty aluminum for durability and features a removable padded backrest with easy-release pins. Ergonomically designed with handles and easy-to-lock handbrakes for stability. It has a padded seat allowing for comfort.

Walker Accessories

Accessories can help you get the most out of your walker by making it more functional and attractive. To store your items while using your walker, you can use a walker tray, and you may also add a cup holder to hold a can, mug, or bottle.

A walker basket may be a better solution if you need to carry large items. To bear weight on your arms, try to use a walker platform attachment since it’s perfect for people suffering from hand injuries or arthritis.

Important Reminders when Using a Walker

Regularly clean and maintain your walker and avoid overloading it to ensure your safety. Replace or fix rubber caps that are worn out or loose.
Excessively tight brakes may also increase your risk of falling while using a walker. If you need help maintaining a walker, consult your healthcare aid provider or a physical therapist.

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