Adjustable Bed – A Personalized Sleep Solution at Home

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If you’ve experienced sleeping in an adjustable bed, you must probably know how amazing and comfortable they are!

A great bed is one of the best investments, especially for seniors and those with health problems who need enough rest and sleep. 

Adjustable beds are no longer exclusive for hospital use or healthcare settings as more people nowadays prefer home healthcare. The prices of this type of home mobility furniture had decreased with more selection and variety of features to choose from. 

adjustable bed

Why Buy an Adjustable Bed

Generally, this type of home mobility furniture provides lifestyle benefits and is beneficial for people with health issues such as back pain and snoring.

Compared to an ordinary hospital bed, these beds are way better since they offer more customization, allowing the user to find the most comfortable position when sleeping. 

Users can perform different tasks in adjustable beds comfortably, such as reading, watching TV, and many other tasks, by simply adjusting or positioning the bed at certain angles. 

Also, these beds allow users to operate the foot and head of the bed separately to suit users’ comfort preferences. 

For instance, if you have acid reflux, you can easily position the headboard in an incline position to avoid or prevent acid reflux symptoms. While those experiencing back pains can easily find the right sleeping position to relieve pressure and have a good night’s sleep.

How to Choose the Best Adjustable Beds

Personal Need

Finding the best medical bed for you or your loved ones should start with your specific needs recommended by a medical professional. Getting the wrong bed may worsen your condition instead of making you feel better.


The second important consideration is the amount you are willing to spend. The price of these types of home mobility beds varies depending on some factors. Some brands or models might be expensive. However, remember that investing in getting quality sleep is never a bad idea. 


It’s common among adjustable beds to have a button where you can adjust the position of your head or feet. But some beds offer more interesting features aside from their basic functionality. Other models have massage features, under-bed lights, USB ports, and more. 

Preferred Mattress Type

If you already have an existing mattress and don’t want to buy a new one, that would be fine as long as it is compatible with this type of bed. However, some healthcare equipment manufacturers and dealers usually encourage buyers to purchase a compatible mattress for optimal experience when using their bed. 

Ease of Use and Set-Up

Choose adjustable beds that are easy to use and control. Some models are now remotely controlled so that seniors and people with limited mobility can easily control the bed position and other features without exerting too much effort. Also, choose brands that offer free delivery and set-up so that you won’t have to assemble or lift the heavy base on your own. 


Adjustable beds can help, particularly seniors who begin to have mobility issues. These types of beds can also solve several problems, such as difficulty sleeping while lying flat, and bed sores and provide support in getting on and off the bed.

So, is an adjustable bed worth it? Well, it depends on the patient’s personal preference but generally, whichever bed allows you to have a comfortable sleep without feeling any pain or stiffness is always the best choice.