Hair Problems

Rafael Nadal Hair Transplant Procedure: Success or Failure?

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If you are familiar with Rafael Nadal hair transplant procedure, would you consider it as one successful or a wrong decision that led to a fiasco? Considering that he is slated for another hair transplant procedure, does it constitute a failure of his first hair transplanting program?

When we see athletes in the likes of Spanish professional tennis player Rafael Nadal wearing headbands or bandanas, the natural tendency of many of us is to help them in keeping their hair back and to prevent sweat from reaching their eyes. But there are many instances that it has a double purpose, and very practical at that. The use of headbands can help an athlete conceal their receding hairline. In the case of Nadal, this holds true, to the point that it has become a ubiquitous item to see during his gameplays.

So, for the million-dollar question we have here, was the Nadal hair transplant procedure a success or not?

The majority of the people would like to believe that yes, it should be considered as one successful hair transplant. Nadal’s hair, in his twenties, looked considerably thinner. But after undergoing a hair transplantation procedure his hair loss rate seemed to have slowed down.

In the case of the balding areas, however, they are bound to continue to lose a valuable amount of hair strands. Nothing can be done much for that, anyway. But things are different for the transplanted follicles, which are naturally “resistant” to balding.

Therefore, it is natural for him to still lose a significant amount of hair, but these his natural ones. The transplanted hairs are intact and dynamically serving their purpose, thriving and producing hairs on his head.

This brings us to the conclusion that another hair transplant procedure for Nadal would be underway, as it would benefit him in the coming years.

Experts say that Nadal’s male balding pattern could be among the most severe types. With this type of hair loss, there is a good chance that almost all hair from the hairline area down to the back crown could be lost and may only take a matter of time for them to completely fall off. It is very possible that in the absence of his prior hair transplant procedure, he should be completely bald by now. With regard to those hairs surrounding his back and sides, they appear to be DHT resistant.

Usually one, single hair transplant procedure is enough. But in the case of Nadal, he really needs to undergo additional hair grafting procedure since his head is showing huge areas of loss. With the current coverage that his head has got now, another hair transplant procedure would ease his concerns away and touch up the results of his last transplant procedure, furthering his hair restoration success.

Judging from how the hairs on his head look like nowadays, an estimated 2,500 grafts would be most recommended. This amount of hair grafts would be good enough to cover the entirety of his bald region, this would start from his hairline and to his back head.

One can argue though, for someone of his stature has earned millions of dollars in prize money from his sports and sponsorships, what difference will it make if they have skin-head or not?

And this is undisputedly true to us — the general public and their adoring followers, it won’t matter to us if they go bald or not since we will continue to enjoy watching them as they put on their breathtaking athleticism, with or without any hair.

But it is very obvious to see that it is something to them, it matters to them. If there is something you can do about hair loss and the outcome will make you feel better about yourself, giving your confidence and self-esteem back — then the investment you will be making is all worth it.

If you consider Nadal hair transplant procedure as a hair loss treatment option that is beyond your means, then pay attention instead to what hair fibers can do for you. Hair building fibers made from keratin (the protein material from which human hair is made of) strands are most sought after in the hair fiber industry because they give your thinning hair a natural-looking coverage, concealing the thinning areas from the prying eyes around you.

Rafael Nadal Hair Transplant Procedure: Success or Failure? Read More »

What is the Truth Behind the Common Hair Building Fibers Myths?

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hair thickening fibreIf you are suffering from thinning hair and are looking for an effective way to instantly conceal it from the prying eyes of people around you, then you are probably looking for a hair fiber product. This kind of hair loss product does not necessarily help in promoting hair growth, but they are highly effective in concealing thinning areas of your head so they will appear as if it is still having full volume.

Unfortunately, people who have not tried such a product before are usually misinformed about it. There are 2 classifications for hair fibers. The first one is considered as a newer hair building powder technology and the other one would be the older keratin fibres.  Below are some of the most popular myths on hair loss concealing products. Alongside each one are the reasons why we need to debunk them for good. 

Myth #1 Hair fibers will prevent new hair growth

Keratin Hair fibres

There is no way that this could become a possibility. With respect to their size, hair fibers are not likely to block your hair follicles because they are far too large to do that. A high-quality product will effectively intertwine to the individual hair strands, rather than settling to the surface of your scalp.  

Cotton Hair Thickening Fibres

We have the exact same reason for keratin hair thinning concealing fibres. These products too, are extremely large in size to be able to block the hair follicle or its openings. However, the cotton variant comes with a much higher cling value. This property makes them attach more intensely to a hair strand, hence they are less likely to gather on the scalp surface. 

Myth #2 Keratin Fibres Have High Concentration of Harmful Chemicals

Keratin Hair Fibres – True 

The vast majority of keratin brands have been found to have a concentration of chemical compounds. So far, the most noxious of which is the ammonium chloride. Exposure to these chemicals, in the long run, can put people’s health in harm’s way, most especially to individuals who are highly susceptible to them. This is one of the reasons why it is crucial that users scrutinize the product label first prior to buying the product.  

Hair Thickening Fibre Cotton – False

In complete contrast to the keratin variant, the majority of cotton variants of hair thickening fibre in the market today don’t contain any kind of harmful chemical in them. As a matter of fact, they are making use of natural ingredients. Therefore, if your body happens to have high sensitivity to these substances or you want to veer yourself away from them for whatever reason, you’re better off with a cotton fibre instead. 

Myth #3 Hair fibres tend to get itchy and may cause scalp irritation

Keratin Hair Fibres – True to a certain degree

After conducting a test try out for a handful of keratin products, participants realized that they are not a bit irritating on the skin and scalp. They also seem not to induce skin itching, which may be attributed to the chemical components used in the product.  

Cotton Hair Thickening Fibres – False 

Of the cotton brands we tested out for this purpose, we realized that none of them can possibly induce scalp irritation. This may have something to do with the natural fibre from which many of them are made of. Besides, these products also come with natural, chemical-free colors.

What is the Truth Behind the Common Hair Building Fibers Myths? Read More »