Health & Wellness

Get Your Own Outdoor Spa – A Great Alternative for Regular Pools

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Living in crowded cities where living spaces become more compact, installing a regular pool might not be a practical choice. 

Why? It is because a regular-sized swimming pool requires bigger space and not everyone living in urban areas has massive backyard space to accommodate it. 

And because of this, people are looking for alternatives such as an outdoor spa or a swim spa where they can exercise and enjoy aquatic recreation in a more compact and economically viable way. 

Though swim spas and pools offer unique benefits, deciding which would best fit your needs depends on several factors, such as purpose, budget, and space. 

In this article, we will discuss the various advantages and reasons why you should choose a swimming spa over a traditional pool.

 Outdoor Spa

Why Choose an Outdoor Spa

The Size Matters

Many people prefer a swim spa because of its compact size, which makes it ideal for smaller spaces and households.

For instance, in Australia, an average swim spa measures around 5 metres x 2 metres, providing more space and more people to roam and move around. 

Unlike regular pools that consume much space, spas give more room for a large group of people to relax together. Some spa models have a large seating area for everyone to relax and enjoy the hot water jets as they relax their muscles and achy-breaky bones. 

Available All Year Round

With swim spas, you can swim and use it all year round, regardless of the season. Thanks to their compact size, spas are much easier to heat during the winter season. While regular pools might be impossible and costly to heat during this time of the year because they are too huge to heat evenly and economically. 

Thus, they may only be used for swimming for a few months. Unlike a swim spa, they can be used for swimming all year long. Its compact size makes it easier to heat without spending a fortune. Swim spas are also a lot easier to maintain than regular pools. 

Designed for Fitness and Aquatic Activities 

Swim spas are designed for fitness activities and aquatic exercises like regular pools. While a traditional pool is often used for swimming, a swim spa focuses on getting a great fitness routine. These spas redefine what it means to work out while swimming. Other spa models even allow you to determine how intense your workout will be and come with accessories and equipment specifically designed for aerobic exercise in the water. 

Provide the Best of Both Worlds

Lastly, a swim spa offers the best of both worlds by providing the perfect environment to swim, exercise, and perform water aerobics just like traditional pools and the ability to change the water temperature. And yes, swim spas are much easier to install, more affordable, and energy efficient.  

And ultimately, what makes it better than a traditional swimming pool is its additional focus on relaxation and hydrotherapy. Thus, a swim spa offers the best of both worlds by effectively combining the benefits of swimming and water exercise, and the relaxing and restorative capabilities of a hot tub. 

Wrap up

Now that you’ve seen the differences between a swimming spa and a swimming pool, we hope this article has helped you decide what to choose.

Again, you may be wondering how to choose, but remember that the best option must be the one that best fits your space, budget, and fitness needs. And a couple of other details to consider are if you want to use it all year round and how much time you can spend on maintenance. 

Do you have more questions about putting in a swim spa? We advise that you talk with a reputable pool and spa warehouse near you to help you evaluate your backyard space, budget, and plans. Without any high pressure to close that sale, they can surely help you choose the perfect solution for your outdoor space.

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walker chair

Standard Walker vs. Walker Chair: Choosing the Right Walking Aid for You

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Standard Walker vs. Walker Chair: Choosing the Right Walking Aid for You

With the abundance of mobility products in the market today, choosing the right walking aid can be confusing.

Some factors must also be considered to determine which mobility device is the best for your condition.

If you fall somewhere in the middle between getting a standard walker, a walker chair with wheels, or other walking aids in this regard, then we are here to help.

But first, get yourself acquainted with the different types of mobility aid.

Here is an overview of commonly used mobility devices.

Example of Mobility Aids

• Cane – Probably the simplest type of walking aid that provides minimum support ideal for short distances and crowded places.

• Walker Chair or Rollator – Rollators are ideal if the patient needs maximum support and mobility when walking over longer distances. They have wheels at the bottom of each leg allowing the device to be moved along while the user is on their feet.

• Standard Walkers– Provides sturdy support and good balance for patients walking over longer distances.

• Wheelchair – Wheelchairs offer the most stability and allow patients to push themselves or with the help of an attendant (transport chair).

When Should You Use a Standard Walker?

Standard walkers are ideal for individuals who require more stability and like to stroll at a slower pace. If you are mobile enough to walk but have trouble getting from your bedroom to your bathroom, then a walker might be of help.

When Should You Use a Walker Chair or a Rollator?

Walker chairs or rollators are suitable for people with mobility issues who can still manage to walk but need a bit of assistance with balance and stability. This walking aid allows you to walk a bit faster and help with a normal gait.

The patient must be able to navigate the rollator and operate the hand brakes on his own when needed. These types of walkers usually have a seat, allowing you to take a rest as needed.

Different Types of Walkers Available

Standard Walker

It has four nonskid, rubber-tipped legs for balance and stability when walking. To move, you must pick up the device.

Two-Wheel Walker

This type of walker has wheels on both front legs and is very useful for patients who need some weight-bearing assistance but not continuously. Other models are smaller than the average walker, and they can fit through narrow doorways and tight spaces. Ideal for indoor use at home. It also folds for easy transport.

Four-Wheel Walker

This walker is perfect for persons who do not require a walker to lean on for balance. Best for outdoor use and available for children and adult’s version.

Bariatric Walker

This walker is constructed from heavy-duty aluminum for durability and features a removable padded backrest with easy-release pins. Ergonomically designed with handles and easy-to-lock handbrakes for stability. It has a padded seat allowing for comfort.

Walker Accessories

Accessories can help you get the most out of your walker by making it more functional and attractive. To store your items while using your walker, you can use a walker tray, and you may also add a cup holder to hold a can, mug, or bottle.

A walker basket may be a better solution if you need to carry large items. To bear weight on your arms, try to use a walker platform attachment since it’s perfect for people suffering from hand injuries or arthritis.

Important Reminders when Using a Walker

Regularly clean and maintain your walker and avoid overloading it to ensure your safety. Replace or fix rubber caps that are worn out or loose.
Excessively tight brakes may also increase your risk of falling while using a walker. If you need help maintaining a walker, consult your healthcare aid provider or a physical therapist.

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